Vintage Cycle Service and Machine

I'm always impressed by the quality videos that are being put together and uploaded to Vimeo.  Everyone thinks of iPods and iPads when you say the name Apple, but their real contribution has been in the field of digital video editing.  Final Cut Pro has allowed people to produce professional quality movies with just a computer and a digitial camcorder.

These two videos are for shops located overseas.  The first is Vintage Cycle Service in Florence, Italy.  As the video pans around the shop, try and name the bikes that all the vintage parts fit on.  The second video comes from Machine in Australia.  They build a wide variety of vintage bikes and you'll spot a number of cool bikes that they have built around powerplants that are often neglected by custom builders.

Vintage Cycle Service from ClaM on Vimeo

MACHINE from matt machine on Vimeo.